8 Tips for a Healthier Halloween

Life after bariatric surgery comes with its own set of challenges. So much effort has been made to make a variety of lifestyle changes that support your personal health goals. But once October hits, it feels like there are so many holidays that follow from now until New Years Eve that revolve around food. And in October, that is typically Halloween candy.
Here are a few tips that can help you navigate a month that is riddled with sweets and treats.
1. Purchase the candy you don’t like.
It’s easy to purchase your favorite candy, with the idea that it is for your trick or treaters. BUT, let’s be honest. That bag is going to get opened before Halloween, and snacked on throughout the month. If you love chocolate, purchase the chocolate free candy options for your trick or treaters. This helps make it less tempting.
2. Remember, Halloween is only 1 day and not the entire month of October.
Only purchase candy for the day of halloween. And if needed, buy candy in advance but store it out of sight until Halloween to help limit the temptation. If that is too challenging, try purchasing halloween candy the day before Halloween.
3. Don’t over buy candy to make sure you never run out for your trick or treaters.
This way, you are guaranteed to run out of candy by the end of the night. Having an over abundance of candy after Halloween can be just as challenging as having candy leading up to that day.
4. Get outside and go trick or treating!
Use this as an opportunity to spend quality time with your children, nieces, nephews, or friends. Getting a little extra activity on a holiday is never a bad idea! This will get you out of the house, and away from the candy bowl. Plus, you can make some great memories!
5. Offer alternatives to candy to your trick or treaters.
If you would like to keep candy out of the home, try to offer fun alternatives to your trick or treaters. For example, hand out juice boxes, temporary tattoos, stickers, animal crackers, raisin boxes, fruit snacks, bouncy balls, slap bracelets, PEZ dispensers, glow sticks, glow bracelets, vampire teeth, or bubbles. Typically major grocery stores have snacks with halloween themes that make them a fun option for those trick or treaters!
6. Enjoy the fun October events!
Explore your local corn maze or pumpkin patch, haunted house, have fun carving pumpkins, fall festivals, or getting crafty with art projects for extra fun activities in the month of October. Enjoy getting outside and savoring the fall season.
7. Pick a date to not have candy in the home.
This will help give you a deadline so that candy isn’t lingering around the home until Thanksgiving. There are usually locations to donate your surplus of Halloween candy. One option includes the program Treats for Troops, which collects and sends candy to military service members overseas.
8. Have some sugar-free candy on hand to help satisfy that sugar craving.
There are a lot of great options available to help you maintain your lower sugar lifestyle without feeling left out of the fun. If you’re going to a Halloween party, try to bring a sugar-free Halloween dessert!
Here is a great Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe that should fit into anyone’s meal plan. Just keep in mind your serving size!
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